Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Error "The Managed Metadata Service or Connection is currently not Available"

"The Managed Metadata Service or Connection is currently not available. The Application Pool or Managed Metadata Web Service may not have been started. Please Contact your Administrator."
  1. Open Central Administration by going Start | All Programs | Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products | SharePoint 2010 Central Administration.
  2. Click on Manage Service Application which is available in Application Management section.

  3. When you click on Managed Metadata Service application, sometimes you may get the following error:

  4. Go and check whether the Managed Metadata Service has been started.
  5. Click on Application Management in the quick launch.
  6. Click on Manage services on server under Service Applications section.
  7. Check whether the Managed Metadata Web Service is started; if not then click on Start.

  8. Do an IISRESET.
  9. Now you could be able to see the Managed Metadata Service properties as shown in the following figure:

  10. If you still face the same issue, go to IIS and check whether the Application pool for the metadata service is started (Note: Check the account in which the application pool for the metadata service is running. Sometimes if the password for the account is changed, you will get the same issue.).
Thus in this article you have seen how to resolve the following error "The Managed Metadata Service or Connection is currently not available. The Application Pool or Managed Metadata Web Service may not have been started. Please Contact your Administrator."



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